“Facilitation of Settlements by Arbitrators, Review of Methods and Techniques”
with O. Toivonen, in the Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2020
“Ensuring Enforceability of the Award against Challenges Based on Alleged Violation of Due Process”
Spain Arbitration Review (Revista del Club Español del Arbitraje) 35/2019
“Den partsutsedda skiljemannens ställning: Myten om den partsutsedda skiljemannen"
(“Position of the party-nominated arbitrator: Myths about the party-nominated arbitrator”), in Det 41 Nordiska Juristmötet Helsingfors 24–25.8.2017, 2018
“Asianajajaoikeuden merkityksestä liikejuridisissa asioissa”
(Impact of the Code of Conduct in the Area of Business Law), Defensor Legis 2/2017
“Asianajajaosakeyhtiön osakkaan lakiin perustuva henkilökohtainen vastuu – Oikeusvertaileva katsaus”
(“Statutory personal liability of an advocate-shareholder – A comparative overview”) with M. Vammeljoki, Defensor Legis 5/2016
“The Courts and Bar Association as Drivers for Mediation in Finland”
with A. Pynnä, in C. Esplugues & L. Marquis (eds), New Developments in Civil and Commercial Mediation – Global Comparative Perspectives, Springer, 2015
“Professional secrecy of Lawyers in Finland”
with J. Vuori, in the Bar of Brussels (ed), Professional secrecy of Lawyers in Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Finnish chapter in “EU Mediation Law and Practice”
G. De Palo and M. B. Trevor (eds), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012
“Uudistetut UNCITRALin välimiesmenettelysäännöt”
(“Revised UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules”) with P. Airas, Defensor Legis 4/2011
“Asset Tracing & Recovery in Finland”
with P. Puusaari, in B. H. Klose (ed), Asset Tracing & Recovery, The FraudNet World Compendium, Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co., Berlin, 2009
“Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, in Law and Practice of Arbitration in Finland”
edited by Mika Savola, Hakapaino Oy, 2004
“La jurisprudence finlandaise retient une conception large de l’arbitrabilité en droit des sociétés, note sous Cour supreme finlandaise”
(“Commentary of the Finnish Supreme Court decision 14 May 2003 regarding arbitrability”), in Revue de l’arbitrage, 2003 II
“Riidanratkaisulausekkeista kansainvälisissä sopimuksissa”
(“Dispute resolution clauses in international agreements”), Defensor Legis 4/2001
“Finland Attachment of assets”
with T. Salisma, in L. W. Newman (ed), Attachment of assets, Juris publishing, New York, 2001
“Inlösen av minoritetsaktier i ett börsbolag enligt den finska aktiebolagslagen”
(”Redemption of minority shares in a listed company according to the Finnish Companies Act”), Nordisk tidskrift for selskabsret, 2000:3/4
“Asianajajan eettiset säännöt ja sovintomenettely”
(“Code of ethics of the legal profession and mediation”), with C. Wallgren, Defensor Legis 4/2000
“Osakeyhtiölain mukaisesta vähemmistöosakkeiden lunastuksesta pörssiyhtiössä”
(“Redemption of minority shares in a listed company according to the Companies Act”), Defensor Legis 6/1998
“Sovellettavasta laista kansainvälisessä välimiesmenettelyssä”
(“The applicable law in international arbitration”), Defensor Legis 2/1998
“Le nouveau droit finlandais de l’arbitrage international”
(“International arbitration according to the new Finnish Arbitration Act”), in “Recherche sur l’arbitrage en droit international et comparé”, L.G.D.J., Paris, 1997